Big Data Analysis

1 minute read


In this project have parsed, cleaned, and processed a 10 GB set of XML files of user actions on the Stack Overflow website. By performing SQL-like queries on Spark RDDs and DataFrames, we have answered questions about user behavior to predict the long-term behavior of new users. I have trained a word2vec model and a classification model on tags associated with questions. These machine learning pipelines were implemented using Spark ML.

Data format & parsing

The anonymized data are download from aws s3 bucket with the following format:

<row Body="&lt;p&gt;Have you considered using the Joachims\' &lt;a href=&quot;;   
           rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;SVM Light\'s MultiClass classifier&lt;/a&gt;? &#10;&lt;a href=&quot;http://svmlight.joachims.   
           /p&gt;&#10;"CommentCount="0" CreationDate="2012-08-02T19:15:04.647" Id="33580" LastActivityDate="2012-08-02T19:15:04.647".  
            OwnerUserId="12060" ParentId="21465" PostTypeId="2" Score="1" /> 

we used lxml.etree to parse XML files

from lxml import etree
file_posts_stats = "spark-stats-data/allPosts/*"

def get_posts_data(fpath):
    rdd_xmls = sc.textFile(fpath)\
             .filter(lambda row: '<row' in row) \
             .filter(lambda x: x is not None)

    # rdd of extracted elements
    return el: get_attributes(el, atrrib_keys))

Data analysis

By performing SQL-like queries on Spark DataFrames, we can answer following questions about user behaviours to predict the long-term behaviour of new users

  • Relationship between the number of times a post was favorited (the `FavoriteCount`) and the `Score`.
  • Correlation between a user's reputation and the kind of posts they make.
  • Identify "veterans" (user to remain active on the site over a long period of time) and compare their characterstics with "brief users".

Building ML model

We’d intend to predict the tags of a question from its body text. We tackled this problem in three phases:

  1. Find the ten most common tags for questions in the training data set (the tags have been removed from the test set).
  2. Then train a learner to predict from the text of the question (the Body attribute) if it should have one of those ten tags in it - additional NLP techniques were used to process the question text.
  3. Finally, we built a pipeline that takes in multiple stages of Transformer and Estimator. The hyperparameters tuning is done by creating a cross validator object that takes the pipeline as the estimator and its parameters.
paramGrid = (ParamGridBuilder() 
    .addGrid(hashingTF.numFeatures, [2000, 3000, 5000]) 
    .addGrid(logreg.regParam, [0.1, 0.01, 0.5])
    .addGrid(logreg.elasticNetParam, [0.1, 0.5, 0.8])         

crossval = CrossValidator(estimator=pipeline,
                          numFolds=6, # 3 or 4 ?

cvModel =
predictions = cvModel.transform(test)